70cm, 432 MHz Wide band Yagi antenna. 8 elements. PA432-8-1.2RA
Perfect link antenna for fixed direction on the side of tower.
Wide band Yagi antenna. 430 – 440MHz.
Wind survival speed 150 km/h.
Less than 1kg weight.
Good for hitchhiking , portable operations or Field Day activities.
Small and light weight (only 800g) antenna ideal for low impact balcony setup.
Electrical Specifications 70 cm:
Frequency Range: 430 – 440 MHz
Free Space Forward Gain: 12.8 dBi
Front to Back Ratio: 25 dB
3 dB Horizontal Beam width: 40.5°
Polarization: Vertical or Horizontal
Nominal Input Impedance: 50 Ohm
Maximum SWR at any freq.: 1 : 1.2
Maximum Power Input: 850 W
Matching Method: Direct feed through current balun.
Connector: “N”
Mechanical Specifications 70 cm:
Boom length: 1.2 m
Boom Diameter: 20 x 20 mm
Longest element: 340 mm
No. of elements: 8
Turning radius: 1.2 m
Mounting Mast Diameter: 43 – 70 mm 1-11/16″ – 2-3/4″ OD
Survival Wind Speed: 150 km/h
Weight:0.8 kg