SmallIR Mark III Vertical Antenna, 20m-6m Package




SteppIR Verticals are the only true ¼ wave continuous coverage antennas available for the HF bands.

The SteppIR technology has had a profound impact on improving vertical antenna performance over that of traditional designs – there is no substitute for having a true 1/4 wave vertical on every frequency within the coverage range, without having to “trick” the antenna into being resonant. Being able to adjust the length of the element allows the SteppIR vertical to be mounted nearly anywhere and still provide a good match to your transceiver. As with all ¼ wave verticals, ultimate performance depends a good radial system. SteppIR verticals can be ground mounted or elevated above ground.

  • Package includes:
    • DB25 Cable splice
  • Total price of included components: $435.00

    • 20m-6m continuous coverage
    • 80m-6m coverage available through optional loading coil
    • 5.5m (18 ft) total length
    • 5.5 kg (12 lb) weight
    • 1 sq ft wind load
    • EIA-222C wind rating without guys
    • Controller options:

    The SDA 100 electronic controller is our basic antenna controller and includes standard the Advanced Lightning Protection (ALP) module, transceiver interface, and the tuning relay. This is our “tried and true” electronic controller which gives control over the antenna including the normal, 180 degree, and bi-directional modes.